

Becoming an EMtel partner is a great way to increase your product portfolio and generate additional income. We have a range of partnership programmes that have been specifically tailored to meet the needs of various types of organisations or individuals.

Why Provide Telecoms?

As IT and telecoms continue to merge, businesses are increasingly looking for one company to provide a complete solution. By incorporating telecoms and data services into your portfolio, you’re not only gaining yourself a new revenue stream, but you’re also gaining more control over your solutions. This means you’re offering an improved service which increases customer loyalty. 

Protect your core business

As companies are looking for converged solutions, many telecom companies have expanded their product range to include services like the system and IT support. By supplying telecoms to your customers, you are eliminating the risk of your customers’ current telecom suppliers directly offering them your core services.

Why Partner with EMtel?

We are an established telecoms company who have grown our business working through successful partnerships.  Your business may already have a relationship with a telecoms supplier, but many companies we’ve spoken to have found partnering with us is a far better option.

Reasons include:

Many larger suppliers are only interested in big volumes and growth. Partners usually need to achieve targets to get full commission. In some circumstances we’ve seen suppliers stop payment to partners completely because targets had not been achieved. We understand that many of our partners are small businesses and telecoms is not always their core product. As such, we don’t commit our Partners to any targets, so you can grow your telecoms business at a pace that is suitable for you.

Our core business is providing telephone services. We work with system engineers, cabling installers and IT companies to deliver a complete solution. This business is always given to our partners. If you can demonstrate you can offer first-class service, then we may pass leads for customers requiring your expertise.

We supply a complete range of telecom services, meaning you can use us as a one-stop shop for your telecoms if you wish. Alternatively, you may decide to use us for just some of your services. We will never directly sell into your customers without your permission and we will only ever offer them services that you have agreed we can supply.

Our on-going payments are based on your level of involvement and the profit we make. This means we often pay higher commission levels than other telecoms companies.

We have cherry-picked the best services on offer from a range of network suppliers. Where possible we offer a choice of at least two suppliers per product (For example – mobile with Vodafone or O2). By partnering with us, you will have access to numerous networks without having to sign individual agreements with each company.

Flexible Relationships

We have a range of programmes designed for different types of partners. These range from ‘Referrers‘ who pass us leads to ‘Wholesale Customers’ who provide a complete service to their customers. The more partners get involved, the more money they can make. However, providing telecoms is often more complicated than partners realise. Providing proper itemised billing and full support is time-consuming and complicated – it takes time to learn and is seldom cost effective when a partner has just a handful of customers. For these reasons our partners can change to and from one partnership type to another as their circumstances change.

Relationship Types


This option is for you if you would like to earn additional revenue from your customers but are too busy to become massively involved with telecoms. If you refer any new company to EMtel who subsequently becomes a customer, you can earn either an upfront or on-going commission.

EMtel is responsible for selling the solution, providing support and billing the customer – all you have to do is make the introduction. There is no minimum requirement to be an EMtel referrer. We’ll pay you a commission even if it is for just one customer.


This is the perfect option if you want to sell the solution to your customers but want us to invoice them and look after first-line support. By selling our services directly, you will be paid a higher commission.

We will train you in all relevant areas and assist you with any sale where help is needed. We remain responsible for customer service and for billing the customer. Whilst you are not responsible for customer service, we can give you the tools to assist with first-line support is you so wish.

Service Provider

This is the right option if you want to directly sell our service to your customers and provide them with first-line support, but want us to invoice them. Billing telecoms is expensive and complicated so this is a popular option. Our partner portal allows you to see the services your customers have and make changes to those services. You can also report and manage faults using our ticketing system.  

Wholesale Customer

This option is for partners who want to become telecom companies in their own right. You buy from us at a wholesale price and then sell the service to your customers at prices you determine.

You are also responsible for first line support and for invoicing your customers. Creating detailed telephone bills is complicated, but we can assist you with this with our bureau billing service. As with ‘Service Providers,’ you can use our partner portal and ticketing system to manage your customers’ services and report faults.