
Other Services

EMtel can help you out in a few other areas of your business telecommunications as well. Read on for details.

Incoming Call Management

Effective incoming call management is the simple process of ensuring every incoming call gets through to the appropriate person or department as simply and quickly as possible. We achieve this by effectively utilising services like effective number management, auto-attendant, regional based routing, time of day routing, follow me and call queuing with message on hold. We build flexibility into any system to complement the flexibility of an organisation’s workforce

Incoming call management can be created using telephone systems, advanced platforms on non-geographic numbers, IP solutions, or a mixture of the above.

Call Recording

Call Recording is now an essential (sometimes legal) requirement for many organisations. Call recording can either be incorporated into a telephone system or it can be provided as a network level for customers using our hosted service.

Non-geographic telephone numbers

0800 / 0300 – If increasing telephone sales enquiries or offering customer service by phone is crucial for your business, then these numbers allow you to offer free or low-cost calls to the people who matter.